…is because I want to see as many people go to Heaven as possible.

There’s your answer!  In fact, if the only reason you wanted to read this blog post was to find out my answer, you can stop reading right now.

On the other hand, though…

If you did have a few minutes to spare, I’d read on, because even though the suspense may be over, the reason for my answer can really help you as you wade through the quagmire of what has become the moral decline of Western civilization.

Man, that does sound important, doesn’t it? 

It’s not because I’m homophobic that I don’t embrace homosexuality.  I don’t fear men and women who indulge their homosexual desires.  Why should I?  I’ve never been given a reason to fear.  In fact, I don’t fear any person or group of people.  Why?  Because the Good Book says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”.  Simply put, I fear God so much that I don’t have any room in my life to fear people!

It’s not because homosexual behavior repulses me that I don’t embrace it.  Coming home from our recent Crusade in Cambodia, my son ate a tarantula—a local delicacy!  His behavior repulsed me.  I would never do that—but hey, simply eating a hairy-legged spider isn’t going to get me banging my drum against all the arachnid-eaters in the world!  To do that, I’d need a more compelling reason than simple revulsion. 

In fact, my reason is based purely on the deepest, most profound and fundamental LOVE that any human being can have for one another: I am concerned about the eternal destination of the soul of the person who has embraced homosexuality themselves.

It just so happens I do have a more compelling reason related to the title of my blog post today, and I suspect that many of you do too.  Among one of the many Biblical admonitions against homosexuality lies the REAL reason why I don’t embrace homosexuality.  And amazingly, my reason is not bigoted.  Nor is it hateful or close-minded.  In fact, my reason is based purely on the deepest, most profound and fundamental LOVE that any human being can have for one another:  I am concerned about the eternal destination of the soul of the person who has embraced homosexuality themselves.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 says “Do not be deceived:  Neither the sexually immoral, nor adulterers, nor idolaters, nor homosexual offenders, nor male prostitutes, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God.  And that is what some of you WERE…”  I don’t embrace sexual immorality.  Or adultery.  Or idolatry.  Or stealing.  Or greed.  Or drunkenness.  Or slander.  Or swindling.  In fact, I bet most of you don’t either.  But I also don’t embrace homosexuality, because the Bible says that people who willingly and consistently and unrepentingly indulge in any of those sins will not go to Heaven.  They will go to Hell.  And I love people too much to want anyone to go there. 

Let pop culture call me what they want:  A homophobe, a bigot—filled with hatred and fear.  I am none of those things.  I am simply a man who loves people—all people—enough that I don’t want them to be or do anything that will keep them out of Heaven, and doom them to Hell.  And neither does Jesus.  That’s why He offers you today forgiveness for every sin, and the way out of a lifestyle that is seeking to define you.