Deep in the heart of Peru, surrounded by cloud-capped mountains lies the city of Tarapoto. This is truly one of the most beautiful cities I have ever visited, but far more beautiful than the mountains and the waterfalls and the jungle found in this country, are the people of Tarapoto. After spending a week with the Peruvian people, my heart has been captured and I am thankful for the week of ministry done amongst these people.
From the very beginning, this trip was marked by favor. The favor of God was so evident throughout our time in Tarapoto. The very first thing I did when I arrived in Tarapoto was a city-wide interview on the local radio station, advertising our upcoming crusade. Later on that day I then had an opportunity to preach the Gospel for 10 minutes on the local television station. This TV station broadcasts to over 1 million households in the San Martin region. The next day our team was personally welcomed by the mayor of Tarapoto who also oversees over 70 other mayors in Peru. This man of great power shared with us how we were an answer to his prayers and that the government’s help was at our disposal for our ministry in the city; mayor Luis had opened wide the door to his city. Finally, we had an opportunity to do something that no other church or ministry has ever done: we ministered to the Peruvian Army stationed in Tarapoto. Over 250 Army men and women came to hear the Gospel message as our team spoke on honor, respect and putting your faith in the Ultimate Authority. Psalm 5:12 declares that the “favor of God surrounds us (the people of God) like a shield,” and that was clearly evident as our team continued to walk through open doors of opportunity.
One of the other unique opportunities that our team had was to minister to high school and university students attending a secular school. As we went from classroom to classroom, the Holy Spirit began to move even in that secular environment. As I spoke to a group of 15 accounting students the Lord began to give our team supernatural words of knowledge concerning the students. I went up to one young woman and the Lord began to reveal some things about her to me. As I spoke to her she began to weep as she told me that just the day before her best friend had died in a tragic car accident. Because our team was attentive and obedient to the voice of God, these young women had an encounter with Jesus right there in their University classroom. You see, friends, God is not limited to church services, conferences or crusades, God desires to work in and through you in your everyday life to make that which is natural become supernatural.
As the week progressed, we began holding the pastor’s conference where dozens of pastors from around Tarapoto came to receive wisdom on how to reach their city for Jesus and shepherd their churches effectively. The response was amazing! Many of the pastors that had previously been divided were now unified under the common goal of building the Kingdom of God in Tarapoto.
Our citywide festival was also a huge success! Each night the crowds grew and many prayed the prayer of salvation. As we always do, we prayed for the sick at the crusade, and many healings happened right in front of our eyes. I prayed with one woman who came with severe pain in her arm so that she could not move it, but as I laid my hands on her she felt heat pulse through her arm and instantly the pain was gone. Another woman came to the crusade with such intense leg pain that she had not walked in months but after praying for her, she was completely healed and came up to testify. Together we walked across the stage demonstrating the Lord’s healing in her body. The miracles continued all throughout the week, even on the final day, Sunday, when I preached at two different churches. At the first of the two churches a woman came to be prayed for with such severe arthritis that she could not clench her hands, but after I laid my hands on her, joy flooded her face and she began to clench her hands into a fist. She kept on doing it, amazed, and saying, “All the pain is gone!”
Last month in the middle of the Peruvian jungle the Bible came to life and the city of Tarapoto was transformed. Such great joy filled this city and people of all ages and backgrounds became firsthand witnesses that Jesus is alive. And we are confident that “He who began a work is faithful to complete it” (Phil 1:6).
For The King,