
Dear Partners:

November is the month when we make a special invitation to you to partner with our Ministry financially. We know that as the end of the year approaches, many of you are looking for Ministries to partner with, and we want to invite you to include WMI as one of your places to give your tax-deductible donations. 
Joshua just returned from an incredible crusade in Ethiopia with some amazing testimonies. Next month he will be sharing a detailed report of what Jesus did!
As we reflect on the Ethiopia crusade and all that Jesus did in 2017, we look with expectation toward next year. In 2018, we have many exciting options for where we will conduct our Evangelistic Campaigns. In Asia, the nations of Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Myanmar and India are calling for us. In Africa, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt are asking us to come. And in the West, Cuba, El Salvador and Mexico are eager for our coming. The Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu and tribal people of our world are longing to meet Jesus Christ—the one true God—and receive the forgiveness of sins and hope of eternal life that only He can give! We can’t let them wait any longer…

As well, we have been working hard the past few months to launch our Internet-based Evangelistic Ministry—the Great Commission Network—that will allow us to reach into unreached nations that are still closed to public Campaigns.
All of these efforts cost a great deal of money, but the sacrifice is worth it, because it is all about souls, all about rescuing people from Hell and for Heaven, because of Jesus and His love and call. Will you take some time now to ask the Lord what part He may want you to play in helping us help fulfill the Great Commission in 2018? 
Thank you for joining hands with us this month. Together, as a team, we truly can win the world to Jesus!

For the Lost,

Kevin Wagner
