Dear Friends,

Last month, I preached a Crusade in a large, Islamic nation in Asia. Thousands recorded public decisions for Christ at the event, and I would like to share 3 dynamic stories with you from those wonderful days of soul Harvest…
1. As we always do, during the day, we hosted a Christian Leaders’ Conference, for all those in the region. The purpose of this Conference is always twofold: To build up the leaders in their own relationship with Jesus and to equip them to carry on the work of discipling the new believers from the Crusade. During one of the breaks at the Conference, a woman approached me. She looked like she was in her thirties, and showed me a picture of her son. Then she told me that her husband had recently died of cancer.  
Of course, my heart broke, along with hers, as she recalled this tragedy that Satan had worked in the life of their family. She then went on to tell me that since his passing, she had committed to go from village to village in her region, preaching Jesus, and teaching Bible studies publicly to everyone in those villages who was interested! She showed me photos of her doing this very thing! I tell you, my heart was gripped, as she is literally doing in her unreached nation what Jesus would have us all do: Work zealously to save lost souls both publicly and from house to house. I held her up as an example to the others the rest of the week, of what it means to be a Great Commission follower of Jesus.


2. All week, I had an excellent driver, as I usually do. For this set of meetings, we had to drive over an hour both there and back from where we were staying to where the meetings were. It gave me a lot of time to spend with him, and we became friends. He spoke a bit of English, and understood much more. He heard much of what I was preaching about all week.  
Now he, like many in that nation, was a Muslim. When I met him, he was not yet a follower of Jesus. Often, when I know I will be seeing someone throughout the course of the week, I will give them till the end of the week to hear the word and really think about it, until I invite them to make a decision for Jesus. So on the last night of the Crusade, when he dropped me off for the last time, I asked him if I could ask him a question. Through our interpreter, I asked him if he would like to repent of his sins and turn from Islam and turn to Jesus. I will never forget his bright smile and eyes as he looked up at me and nodded his head, “Yes!” I led him in the Sinner’s Prayer, and right then and there he accepted Jesus as Lord! While thousands were saved that week, it is his eyes and smile that I remember most. This is one more soul transferred from Hell and into Heaven! Thank you, Jesus!


3. On the first night of the Crusade, promptly at 6 pm, one of the chief Pastors interrupted me in the middle of my preaching. He said to me: “Now is the Muslim prayer call. We must pause the meeting for a few minutes until that call is over. It is necessary.”  Well, that was a first for me, but I did what he suggested. After a few minutes of silence—except for the city wide Muslim prayer call blasting out over the minarets—I resumed my preaching, and people eagerly rushed to the stage to receive Jesus at the altar call.  
As I told you earlier, during the week, thousands received Christ as Savior, and many mighty testimonies of healing were given. Jesus did great things all week!
So on the last night of the Crusade, I preached and gave the altar call. Once again, it was packed! I prayed for the sick. Once again, the people testified till it was dark. When we finally finished the meeting, I looked at the time. It was well past 6 pm! I asked the local leaders about this, wondering why we didn’t pause that night for the Muslim prayer call. They smiled back at me, waiting for me to figure out what they already knew. I then realized the incredible thing that had happened: Jesus had changed so many lives in that city that week; He had so revolutionized the spiritual climate in that place, that even though the prayer call had been going on, we didn’t need to stop our meeting anymore! The love and power of Jesus had gained so much victory in that city, that nothing was going to stop or pause His Word from going forward into the hearts of eager people. Isn’t that fantastic? In the space of just a few short days, things had shifted so much spiritually that Jesus Christ was beginning to take His rightful place as ruler in that region. It was a truly wonderful reality to see playing out before our eyes.  


Thank you for praying and giving. Jesus took your commitment and generosity, and made these stories happen! You play a part in each of these testimonies!
Great news: From March 20 to 25, Evangelist Luke will be preaching a Revival in a Muslim-dominated city in southern Egypt! Please pray that Jesus uses him to see many Muslims come to salvation and many Christians to be encouraged.
Friends, we’re also asking you to prayerfully consider giving toward our Crusade later this month in Ethiopia. I fly out on March 26, and we are still in need of $12,000 to meet the Crusade budget. Thank you for considering what part you may play in this Great Commission work. Together we are reaching this world for Jesus!

For the Lost,
Dr. Kevin Wagner, D.Min.
